Support the Soupman Corp
At the Feb 2019 meeting of 100 Women Who Care Boston, Support the Soupman Corp was selected to receive our collective donation of $3,000.
On a cold winter day later that month, we had the great privilege of presenting our donation to Peter Kelleher - the "soupman" and founder of this wonderful organization.
The Soup Man is a grass-roots campaign that started with a gentleman supplying homemade, hot soup to homeless during the cold winter months in memory of his son. Today The Soup Man's mission has expanded with a focus to relieve the pain and suffering of the homeless experience.
On the day of our donation, Peter arrived in his big red bus - a portable closet to supply necessities to the homeless - coats, boots, socks, hats, gloves, etc. Peter explained that he takes the bus on the road every weekend, giving to the homeless across New England, stopping at homeless shelters, hosting events in local parks and at times simply pulling into parking lots to share donations with homeless in the area.
We are humbled by Peter's spirit, his commitment to his community and the wonderful acts of kindness he performs everyday.
To learn more about The Soupman, to donate or volunteer - visit their web site.